Update: Verschoben auf Frühjahr 2023 – WOMEN IN DATA SCIENCE CONFERENCE

Die Konferenz WOMEN IN DATA SCIENCE (NRW) ist eine Initiative der Stanford University.
Ziel ist es, weltweit Datenwissenschaftler:innen zu inspirieren und eine Plattform für Wissensaustausch im Bereich Data Science zu ermöglichen.
‚The Women in Data Science (WiDS) @Stanford University initiative aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. WiDS started as a one-day technical conference at Stanford in November 2015. Six years later, WiDS is a global movement that includes a number of worldwide initiatives: A conference with 150+ regional events worldwide in more than 60 countries, reaching 100,000 participants annually online and in person. A datathon, encouraging participants to hone their skills using a social impact challenge. A podcast series, featuring data science leaders from around the world talking about their work, their journeys, and lessons learned along the way An education outreach program to encourage secondary school students to consider careers in data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and related fields.‘
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