TEDx Bonn with Frank Thelen, Prof. Dr. Hendrick Streeck, Angela Richter und Özlem Doger-Herter

TEDx Beitrag vom 18. September:

Dear TEDx community! We had a great event! Thank you for your overwhelming participation in our first digital edition at

Deutsche Telekom AG. We didn’t expect that!
These were the topics: The Rising Role of #Digitalization In Our Lives – A positive new force in #society, #culture, the #arts and #humanity?
We discussed this and other questions in a round table after the #TEDx Talks with Frank Thelen, Prof. Dr. Hendrick Streeck, Angela Richter.

Our guests: Torsten Brodt [Head of Commercial Management, Deutsche Telekom AG],

Özlem Doger-Herter (CEO of ASK-A-WOMAN.COM],
Yannick Hofmann [media artist and deputy director of the Hertz-Lab at ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe],
Angela Richter [Theatre director, Author] and
Daniel Sproll [#VR designer and co-founder of realities.io].
Moderation: Nick Nuttall [International Strategic Communications Director of Earth Day Network and the social platform Wedonthavetime.org]

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